Appointments Request an appointment by filling out the form below and we’ll follow up within a business day. Request an appointment "*" indicates required fields First Name*Last Name*Email* Phone*Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Which location?*Select a LocationArizona Orthopedics Desert Podiatric – TucsonDesert Podiatric – Oro ValleyHurst Plastic SurgerySandeen & Lee Plastic SurgeryWhich Provider?Select a ProviderCraig A. Hurst, MDElizabeth Lee, MDBrandon Z. Massey, MDPeter C. Merrill, DPMZeno J. Pfau, DPMSven N. Sandeen, MD, FACSBradley A. Whitaker, DPMThis field is hidden when viewing the formWhich Partner?Select a partnerAny AvailableArizona OrthopedicsDesert Podiatric Medical SpecialistsHurst Plastic SurgerySandeen & Lee Plastic SurgerySouthern Arizona Infectious Disease SpecialistsDo you have a referral?Has your primary care or another provider given you a referral for an appointment with us? Yes. I have a referral for Goldstein Gastroenterology. Reason for appointment?Interested in scheduling an appointment to discuss: InstabilityThis field is hidden when viewing the formpartneridfilled automatically based on other fields. Used for to validate permissions on form entriesThis field is hidden when viewing the formpartneremailfilled automatically based on other fields. Used for to validate permissions on form entriesCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ